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Aon Assessments

    • 16 tests |
    • 192 questions

Aon is an examination publisher that design tests to evaluate the skills and knowledge of candidates applying to role in their chosen industry.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

What is a passing score on the Aon online assessment tests?

As the Aon tests are used by a wide variety of employers across different sectors, each employer has their own benchmark that candidates must attain to be successful in the tests. Depending on the role and employer, the score will also differ depending on the level of proficiency required for the position.

Which professions use Aon tests, and why?

Aon’s tests are used in the recruitment process for professions such as those in financial services and IT, where strong numerical reasoning and an aptitude for analytical reasoning are essential for the role.

Many roles in accountancy and consulting also require individuals to be able to read, analyze and make logical inferences from various data sources. As logical, numerical, and verbal reasoning are central to success in these types of roles, employers use the results of the Aon tests to gain an objective view of an individual’s abilities.

How to prepare for an Aon test

The key to performing to the best of your ability in an Aon test is to practice the tests.

While the abilities being assessed in an Aon test are inherent, practicing the tests ensures you become familiar with the format, style of questions, and how you react under the time pressure you will feel when taking the test itself.

When preparing for the test, simulate the test environment. Make sure you practice tests under timed conditions. Ensure you take your practice test in a quiet room, free from distractions.

Sharpen your logical reasoning skills by practicing puzzles such as sudoku. This helps train your mind to spot relationships or links between abstract information.

When practicing for the numerical assessments, refresh your memory on basic mathematical principles such as fractions and equations.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with AON. We provide preparation services for AON psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Aon question Test your knowledge!

In a logical sequence, every third number is the sum of the previous two numbers. If the sequence starts with 2 and 3, what will be the fifth number in the sequence?

  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 10

If a consultant bills $150 per hour and works on a project for 35 hours across a week, what will be the total billing amount for that week?

  • $5,250
  • $4,250
  • $5,150
  • $3,500

A paragraph extracted from an internal policy document reads: 'All employees are expected to adhere strictly to the company’s data protection guidelines. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees are also encouraged to report any incidents of a data breach immediately.' What is the company’s stance on data protection?

  • Data protection is optional for employees
  • Employees are required to follow the data protection guidelines strictly
  • Non-compliance is handled on a case-by-case basis
  • Data breaches need to be reported only if significant

During a pattern sequence, each box changes according to a specific rule. If the first box contains a single dot and each subsequent box increases the number of dots by two, how many dots will the fifth box in the sequence contain?

  • 8 dots
  • 9 dots
  • 10 dots
  • 6 dots

If each letter in the alphabet is replaced by its opposite (A becomes Z, B becomes Y, C becomes X, etc.), what will be the opposite of the word 'LOGIC'?


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The tests were well suited to the job that I’ve applied for. They are easy to do and loads of them.

Sophie used Practice Aptitude Tests to help pass her aptitude tests for Deloitte.


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Aon Tips

1Know What's Coming

An Aon test is like a road trip – knowing the route in advance helps you navigate it better. Familiarize yourself with the kind of assessments you’ll face, ranging from numerical and verbal reasoning to personality tests. At Practice Aptitude Tests, we offer a broad spectrum of simulations that mirror the core abilities Aon’s assessments measure. Understanding the structure and types of questions beforehand can significantly boost your performance.

2Create a Study Plan

Succeeding in Aon tests doesn’t come by chance; it’s all about a solid game plan. Break down your prep time into dedicated slots for each type of assessment you’ll encounter. Regular, focused practice is more effective than a last-minute cram session. Just like a workout routine, consistency in preparing can strengthen your aptitude muscles!

3Simulate Test Conditions

Ever noticed how a dish tastes different at home compared to a restaurant? Context matters! It’s the same with Aon tests. Recreating exam conditions can make a huge difference. Use Practice Aptitude Tests to take timed tests in a quiet environment. The more you practice under test-like constraints, the more comfortable you’ll become on the big day.

4Reflect on Your Practice

After each practice session at Practice Aptitude Tests, take a moment to reflect. Which questions were tricky? Did you stumble on data interpretation, or was it the time pressure? Identifying weak spots allows you to be strategic in your subsequent practice, turning potential stumbling blocks into stepping stones for success.

5Care for Your Well-Being

Here’s a secret – your mind performs best when your body is taken care of. Ensure you’re well-rested, hydrated, and nourished on the days leading to your Aon test. A calm mind can conquer complex problems more efficiently, so don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep and a balanced meal before you dive into those assessments.

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Aon FAQs

Which employers use Aon Online Assessments?

Several employers, such as PwC, Deloitte, Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, and Dell, use Aon tests. The test results enable employers to better understand an individual’s aptitudes in the areas needed for success in both graduate and experienced-level roles.

What is the best way to pass an Aon Test?

There is no set pass mark in an Aon test. Each employer sets its own benchmark for success in the test.

Can I retake an Aon online assessment?

Each employer will have its own policy for retakes. This usually involves candidates waiting a set period of time before a retake is allowed. For information on retakes, contact your recruiter.

Are the Aon online assessments hard?

The tests are a thorough evaluation of an individual’s aptitudes in relation to what is needed for a role. To perform to the best of your ability, practice the tests beforehand, remain calm when sitting the tests, and read the instructions and questions carefully. Be mindful of the remaining time, so you answer as many questions as possible in the test.