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EasyJet Assessments

    • 16 tests |
    • 253 questions

EasyJet is a European airline focused on short-haul, affordable flights. Founded in 1995 with the aim of revolutionising European air travel, it now has a fleet of over 200 aircraft and is the UK’s largest airline in terms of annual passengers.

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EasyJet assessment centre

If you pass the online tests, you will be invited to attend the next available assessment centre.

This is an opportunity to meet EasyJet staff and the other candidates to get a better understanding of the company culture, the people you will be working with, and see how you perform in a group setting.

Typically, the day will start with informative presentations about EasyJet and the chance to ask questions regarding the job specifics and expectations of the role. Then you will have to take part in group activities.

Often these are simple tasks like ranking important qualities in a pilot and working through a hypothetical emergency situation. EasyJet is looking for social cohesion and a good balance between being a strong team player and taking on leadership when necessary.

If you haven’t attended one before, then have a look at some assessment centre tips to help you know what to expect.

Then you will be invited to take part in an interview. This is mostly competency-based, so they will go over your past experience and often ask questions such as:

  • Tell me about a time you made a mistake or bad decision
  • Have you ever had to deal with a confrontation?
  • How have you shown adaptability in the past?

It is important to refamiliarise yourself with the EasyJet company values again, so you can show how you embody them and why you want to work for EasyJet.

EasyJet non-technical assessments

There are a raft of non-technical pilot tests, which are all used to ensure that you have the social and mental skills required to be a great pilot.

One type of aptitude test that you may be asked to complete at the assessment day is a spatial awareness test. These assess your ability to conceptualise shapes and objects in both 2D and 3D, often asking you to rotate, mirror, or translate shapes into different perspectives.

Although spatial awareness can be seen as an innate skill, you can definitely improve your abilities through practice spatial awareness tests.

For those applying to be a Captain, the final stage of your application will also be a non-technical assessment in the form of a personality test. These identify your defining traits, values, and priorities, giving employers an idea of how you might respond to different situations and what kind of temperament that you have.

Although these are not based on any kind of past experience or qualifications, it is still a good idea to practice them. Practicing personality tests can help you get a better understanding of the types of questions asked and how they are phrased – they can sometimes be deliberately tricky in their wording, so practicing them can help you give the answers most reflective of yourself.

However, you should also keep in mind the company values and what you know about the type of people it seeks, so your answers can show how you reflect these values. If you are still unsure about how to tackle these, have a look at our tips for personality tests.

EasyJet technical assessments

The final stage for co-pilots is the technical assessment. This is given as a flight simulator assessment, which will test your standard of flying, as well as other practical skills like multi-tasking and hand-eye coordination.

You will receive a full briefing about this and the expectations of the day beforehand, so make sure that you read all of the information carefully and prepare accordingly.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with EasyJet. We provide preparation services for EasyJet psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample EasyJet Tests question Test your knowledge!

Consider the implications of the following statement: 'The slight increase in service disruptions has not significantly impacted customer loyalty metrics for short-haul flights.' What can be inferred about the airline's customer base?

  • Customers are highly sensitive to service disruptions.
  • Minor service issues have a disproportionate effect on loyalty.
  • The airline's customer loyalty is robust despite some service disruptions.
  • The airline has recently faced many customer complaints.

A European airline receives €250,000 in revenue from one of its short-haul routes in a month. If the monthly operational cost for this route is €150,000 and the airline allocates 20% of its remaining revenue to marketing, how much is allocated to marketing?

  • €20,000
  • €25,000
  • €30,000
  • €35,000

An aircraft fleet consists of various models, two of which have different fuel efficiency. The Model A consumes an average of 3 liters per kilometer, while the Model B uses 2.5 liters per kilometer. In a trip of 600 kilometers, how much more fuel will the Model A use compared to Model B?

  • 300 liters
  • 150 liters
  • 200 liters
  • 250 liters

If an airline sells tickets for a short-haul flight at an average price of €90 and experiences an increase of 15% in ticket sales over the summer, how much additional revenue will be generated from 8,000 tickets sold?

  • €108,000
  • €120,000
  • €90,000
  • €150,000

After reading the passage, which assumption is inherent in the author’s argument regarding the trends in European air travel prices?

  • Lower prices hurt industry profitability.
  • Airlines cannot maintain full capacity on most flights.
  • No-frills services are universally preferred by customers.
  • High volume and full capacity can compensate for lower ticket margins.

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The tests were well suited to the job that I’ve applied for. They are easy to do and loads of them.

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EasyJet Tests Tips

1Get Acquainted with the Basics

Start by getting a good understanding of what these tests involve. Make sure you’re familiar with the types of questions that might come up and the formats they’re presented in. A solid grasp of basic concepts will put you at ease during the actual test.

2Simulate Test Conditions

Practice under conditions that mirror the actual test environment. This means timing your practice sessions and making sure you’re in a quiet, distraction-free zone. It’ll help you manage time pressure and stay focused during the real deal.

3Analyze and Learn from Mistakes

Every practice session should end with a review of your answers, especially the wrong ones. Understanding where and why you went wrong is key to avoiding similar mistakes in the future.

4Focus on Weak Areas

Identify the topics you’re struggling with and allocate more practice time to them. Don’t shy away from challenges – instead, face them head-on to turn weaknesses into strengths.

5Stay Relaxed and Confident

Keeping calm is crucial when taking any kind of test. Remember to breathe, stay positive, and approach each question with confidence. A clear mind will help you think more efficiently and make better decisions.

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EasyJet Tests FAQs

What are the EasyJet tests?

EasyJet utilizes a range of tests in their hiring process, which are designed to gauge various skills and aptitudes relevant to the airline industry. These might include situational judgment tests, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and possibly personality assessments.

Are the EasyJet tests hard?

The difficulty of EasyJet tests can vary depending on your personal strengths and experience. What’s certain is that they’re designed to challenge and identify the most suitable candidates for the airline’s dynamic and customer-focused environment.

How do I prepare for EasyJet tests?

The best way to prepare for EasyJet tests is through consistent practice and familiarization with the question formats. Practice Aptitude Tests offers a variety of practice tests that can help you build confidence and improve your test-taking skills.

How long does the recruitment process take at EasyJet?

The duration of the recruitment process at EasyJet may differ based on the role and the number of applicants. However, it generally involves several steps and can take a few weeks from the initial application to the final decision.

What are EasyJet's core values?

EasyJet’s core values revolve around simplicity, pioneering, being responsible, and operating with integrity. These reflect their commitment to making travel easy and affordable, acting sustainably, and innovating in the airline industry.

Reviews of our EasyJet tests

What our customers say about our EasyJet tests

  • United Kingdom

    February 20, 2021

    Slightly difficult

    I liked the challenge of large number mathematics using paper and pen working out